Archives - December 2010


It’s Not Too Late to Gift the eBook of the Season!

Know somebody who is going to unwrap a new iPad, Kindle or Nook this Christmas? Be the one to give them the hottest eBook of the Season to download to their Kindle device or App: The War Cloud by New York Times bestselling novelist Thomas Greanias. Amazon makes it easy to give the The War …


THE WAR CLOUD Arrives in iBookstore

The War Cloud has struck a third major eBook store, this time landing on the digital shelves of Apple’s iBookstore just in time for Christmas. “Apple expects bigger eBook sales after Christmas, when people have unwrapped their new iPads and start looking for things to download,” said author Thomas Greanias. “We’re happy Apple is making …


NORAD Teams With Google to Track Santa

CHEYENNE MOUNTAIN, WY (AMP) — The U.S. and Canadian military defense agency known as NORAD, which plays a prominent role in the new Thomas Greanias cyber-thriller THE WAR CLOUD, is once again tracking Santa’s incoming slay this Christmas. Beginning Thursday, 11 p.m. PST, you can fix Mr. Claus’s position at NORAD Santa or Google Earth, …


‘Suspicious’ Christmas Ornament Shuts Pentagon Metro Station

WASHINGTON, D.C. (AMP) — The Pentagon’s Metro subway station was shut down during morning rush hour on Dec. 15 after a “suspicious” object was found blinking in a trash can. An explosives unit arrived on the scene and X-rayed the item, only to determine it to be a battery-operated Christmas tree ornament. A Pentagon spokesman …


The Promised War is a Perfect Gift

Amazon is offering an early Christmas gift to fans of adventure thrillers. The online retailer is selling the $24.95 hardcover edition of The Promised War by New York Times bestselling novelist Thomas Greanias for only $9.36! That’s less than $10 and a whopping 61 percent off the retail list price. Even Scrooge would approve. “One …


Tom Talks to Sometimesdaily’s Amanda Congdon

Tom sat down with Sometimes Daily Show host, and queen of all things digital, Amanda Congdon to discuss the new cyber-thriller The War Cloud. Watch the entire interview below and check out The War Cloud on your favorite mobile device.