Archives - June 2010


Vatican’s Serghetti Accuses Russians of Mining Arctic

SPITZBERGEN ISLAND, ARCTIC CIRCLE (AMP) — Fresh from her eyewitness inspection of Iceland’s glacier-covered Eyjafjallajökull volcano, the Vatican’s top linguist and environmental czar is now suggesting that illegal Russian mining of the Arctic may have triggered the eruption that has wreaked havoc all across Europe. Sister Serena Serghetti leveled her charges during an official ceremony …


Nukes at the River Jordan

SAWAQA, Jordan— U.S. plans to help the Kingdom of Jordan become the Arab world’s next nuclear power are raising alarms inside Israel. The political goal is to promote the nonmilitary use of atomic energy and pressure rogue nuclear programs in Iran and Syria to become more transparent. The U.S. would win economically, too, in any …


Israelis Release American Archaeologist

GAZA CITY (AMP) — American archaeologist Conrad Yeats was one of those captured—and since expelled—during Israel’s deadly raid on a Gaza-bound flotilla, according to U.S. officials. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton would not comment on the mystery surrounding Doctor Yeats. But Israeli authorities suggested he was merely trying to defy a passport ban prohibiting …


Pope to Overhaul Legion of Christ – Not Dominus Dei

Pope Benedict XVI said he will overhaul one of the most powerful orders in Roman Catholicism, the Legion of Christ, in the wake of a Vatican investigation into decades of cover-ups of sexual abuse.