Archives - November 2012


Melting Antarctica is Raising Atlantis Warnings from Mother Earth

UNITED NATIONS (AMP) —The Vatican’s top linguist and U.N.’s environmental ambassador Serena Serghetti warned that melting ice caps will unleash Atlantis-like flooding upon the earth’s coastal cities unless the world unites to stop global warming. Standing in ruins left behind by Hurricane Sandy in New York City and citing this week’s release of the most …


Missing Mother Earth Resurfaces at U.N. After Two Years

UNITED NATIONS (AMP) — Australia’s Serena Serghetti, the Vatican’s top linguist and renown environmental activist, has resurfaced in New York City after a two years’ absence from the world scene to lobby U.S. State Department and United Nations officials for an Alaska-sized marine sanctuary in Antarctica. The 25-year-old nun’s dream to protect the Ross Sea, …